DaVinci Resolve 15是一款重大更新,它全面整合了視覺特效和動態圖形,使其成為全球第一套將專業剪輯、套片、調光、音訊後期製作、多使用者協作和視覺特效融入同一個軟體工具的解決方案。 DaVinci Resolve 15添加了全新的Fusion頁面,含有250多種用於合成、繪圖、分子、動畫標題等用途的工具。此外,DaVinci Resolve 15還對Fairlight音訊進行了大幅提升,並添加300多項專業剪輯師和調光師迫切需要的新功能和性能改進。
DaVinci Resolve 15 Studio採用顛覆性協作流程功能,可大幅加速後期製作流程,能夠實現多使用者同時對同個專案展開工作。因此客戶再也不需要導入導出,或者在不同應用軟體之間轉換專案,而且也無需再次套片! DaVinci Resolve 15免費版本可用於專業工作,它擁有比幾乎所有類似付費軟體更豐富的功能。免費版DaVinci Resolve 15現已於Blackmagic Design官網 https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/tw/support/family/davinci-resolve-and-fusion 提供下載。
DaVinci Resolve 15 Studio增加多使用者協作、3D、VR、數十種額外濾鏡和特效、無限網路算圖和雜訊抑制等其他高階功能,該產品現已上市,售價NT$9715元未稅。無需年度訂閱費或升級費用。 DaVinci Resolve 15 Studio比其他所有雲端軟體訂閱服務都要便宜,而且軟件啟動後無需任何網路連接。
現有客戶可通過Blackmagic Design官網 https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/tw/support/family/davinci-resolve-and-fusion 免費下載升級到DaVinci Resolve 15及DaVinci Resolve Studio。
What's new in DaVinci Resolve 15
Key new features
- Fully integrated into the DaVinci Resolve timeline
- Improved workflows removing the need for round trip renders to Fusion
- Initial support for a full Metal, CUDA or OpenCL GPU processing pipeline
- Improved UI for faster and more fluid workflow
- New node graph (Flow)
- New viewers
- New toolbar
- New inspector
- Fusion page now includes
- Media Pool
- Tools library with Templates
- Timeline with Thumbnails
- Spline Editor
- Keyframe Timeline
- Metadata
- Dual screen layouts for the Fusion page
- Support for Fusion in collaborative projects
- Support for various geometry files for Fusion in Media Storage and Media Pool
- Support for importing and exporting Fusion composition files
- Support for caching Fusion page output for clips with Fusion effects applied
- Support for Fusion planar tracker is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for Fusion planar stabilization is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for Fusion planar transforms of roto is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for Fusion planar tracked roto is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for Fusion optical flow retiming is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for processing Fusion compositions in linear gamma with color managed and ACES workflows
- Support for Fusion memory cache options in the playback menu
- Support for copying Fusion compositions by middle clicking clip thumbnails
- Support for a Fast Gaussian filter in the Fusion Blur tool
- Support for modifying MediaIn trims and media properties for clips dragged into the Fusion node graph
- Initial support for saver nodes
- Initial support for OpenFX plugins
- Support for GPU accelerated OpenFX plugins
- Initial support for temporal OpenFX plugins
- Initial support for using ResolveFX plugins
Visual effects features
- Vector Paint
- 2D and 3D Compositing
- 3D Camera Tracking in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Planar Tracking and Rotoscoping
- Node Based Workflow
- 3D Workspace
- Keying and Mattes
- Rotoscoping
- Tracking and Stabilization
- 3D Particles
- Scripting
- Shot Cleanup
- Open Color I/O
- Virtual Set Extensions
Broadcast design and motion graphics features
- 2D and 3D Titles
- 3D Logos
- Animated Text
- Spline Based Animation
- Replicate Objects
- Expressions and Macros
- VR tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Import 3D Models and Scenes
- Built-in 3D Objects
- Realistic Lighting and Shading
- Comprehensive Stereoscopic 3D Tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Deep Pixel Compositing
- Volumetric Effects
Key new features
- ADR (Automatic Dialog Replacement)
- Audio Bounce of a range in selected tracks to layers
- Audio Bounce of one or multiple buses to tracks
- Audio Automation Editing
- Fixed playhead timeline
- Audio scrollers
- Video scroller
- 3D audio pan
- Sound Library
- Support for native FairlightFX
- Chorus
- De-Esser
- De-Hummer
- Delay
- Distortion
- Echo
- Flanger
- Modulation
- Noise Reduction
- Pitch
- Reverb
- Stereo Width
- Vocal Channel
General improvements
- Support for audio normalization in the Edit and Fairlight pages
- Support for pitch control for clips
- Support for Media Pool preview of audio
- Support for audio fade in and out to playhead in the Fairlight timeline
- Support for mixed audio track formats from source clips
- Support for trim to playhead operations in the Fairlight timeline
- Support for preset library for equalizer, dynamics, plugins and global track properties
- Support for inbuilt tone generator
- Support for Compound clips path bar below Fairlight page timeline
- Support for native audio on Linux
- Support to show audio waveforms while recording
- Support for input monitoring to the native audio engine
- Support for reordering audio plugins in the inspector for audio clips
- Support for audio retiming for clips with variable speed changes
- Support for Paste and Remove Attributes for audio clips
- Support for pre-roll and post-roll time in Fairlight timeline
- Support for Loop Jog controls in user interface
- Support for an indicator on the Fairlight timeline when there is an offset between audio and video
- Support for the Fairlight Audio Interface installer on Windows
- Support for a mode to stop and jump to the last position
- Support for track selection and deselection using the track destination selection commands
- Support for selecting buses in the mixer to view and modify their properties in the inspector
- Support for viewing video tracks on the Fairlight timeline
- Support for transport controls from the DaVinci Resolve grading panels on the Fairlight page
- Support for improved timeline view options in the Fairlight timeline
- Support for search in the track and marker index
- Support for resetting edited audio samples in a clip
- Support for subframe audio fades on the timeline
- Improved speaker selection with support for device selections in monitor sets
- Improved consistency of navigation and selection hotkeys between the Edit and Fairlight pages
- Support for project versioning snapshots to store project backups at set intervals
- Support for only loading the last used timeline when opening a project
- Support for an option to load all the timelines when opening a project
- Support for bypassing color processing on all pages for improved performance on low power systems
- Support for trimming H.264 and other temporal codec formats in Media Management
- Support for GPU acceleration for the ResolveFX Match Move plugin
- Support for GPU acceleration for the stabilizer with a speed up of more than 10x
- Support for new system preference to use optimized image transfers for viewers on supported systems
- Improved performance when rendering H.264 clips
- Improved save and load performance with database optimizations for large projects
- Improved CUDA performance for high resolution clips and timelines
- Improved playback performance when monitoring on a single GPU system with scopes enabled
- Improved playback performance with mismatched output and monitoring resolutions with Blackmagic Design playback devices
- Improved decode and encode speeds for JPEG2000 clips
- Improved performance when encoding to the GoPro Cineform codec
- Improved performance when decoding JPEG image sequences
- Improved responsiveness for OpenFX and ResolveFX on-screen controls
- Improved performance when using optical flow
- Improved performance when using Gaussian Blur in the Fusion page
- Support for adding, managing and delivering Subtitles and Closed Captions
- Support for 2D and 3D title templates with ability to expand and customize in the Fusion page
- Support to load multiple clips into the source viewer and access the 10 most recent clips
- Support for stacked and tabbed timelines
- Support for position curves in curve editor
- Support for viewing and modifying keyframe curves beyond edit extents for clips with transitions centered on the edit
- Support for menu actions to create Flags and Markers with a specific color
- Support for timecode entry in the Marker dialog
- Support for marker annotations on the viewer
- Support for new Change Clip Duration to modify the duration of one or multiple clips
- Support for finding the source viewer clip in the Media Pool
- Support for caching compound clips, Fusion clips and nested timelines
- Support for caching of titles and generator
- Support for keyframing of OpenFX and ResolveFX plugins
- Support for alpha channel in compound clips
- Support for copying and pasting timecode in the viewer timecode displays
- Support for multiple track gap deletion
- Support for single viewer mode for the dual screen layout
- Support for marking in and out points in Cinema Mode in the Edit page
- Support for optionally showing the iXML channel names for audio files in the timeline
- Support for replacing multiple shots across tracks while retaining grades and effects by Ctrl/Command dragging clips
- Support for categories of video transitions in the Effects Library
- Support for a new Play Again command on Media, Edit and Fairlight players
- Support for optionally disabling ganged moving of audio and video clips across tracks
- Support for rippling clips on the timeline when pasting retime attributes to other clips
- Support for converting between Duration markers and In/Out marks
- Support for viewing clip marker overlays on the timeline viewer
- Support for an indicator for clips with Fusion effects on the Edit and Color pages
- Support for toggling the track-destination state
- Support for improved timeline view options in the Edit timeline
- Support for performing an insert operation by holding Cmd/Ctrl+Shift while dragging
- clips from the media pool or source viewer
- Support for swapping clips in the Edit timeline using Cmd/Ctrl+Shift and dragging
- Support for a dynamic trim mode icon in the Edit page toolbar with a slip and slider indicator
- Support for an option to insert nested and compound clips in their decomposed state during edit operations
- Support for deleting transitions across clips when one of the clips is deleted
- Support for slipping clips with speed changes applied by a single frame
- Support for performing match frame for the selected clip in the timeline
- Support for improved results when compositing images with transparency
- Support for importing Final Cut Pro X XML version 1.8
- Improved separation and handles between video and audio tracks on the timeline
- Improved timecode entry and playhead navigation
- Improved optical flow for speed changes
- Improved Smooth Cut
- Improved keyboard shortcut mapping
- Improved previews when performing blades on a multi track edit
- Improved ripple cut and ripple delete behavior
- Improved automatic track creation when dragging clips to new tracks
- Support for generation 4 color science when decoding CinemaDNG clips from Blackmagic Design cameras
- Support for Blackmagic Design Film generation 4 to Extended Video LUTs
- Support for Cintel HDR capture
- Support for importing clip markers from a Final Cut Pro 7 XML file
- Support for importing marker colors and duration markers on clips when importing media using FCP7 XML files
- Support for preserving bin hierarchy when importing media and metadata from a Final Cut Pro 7 XML file
- Support clip type icon in list view for both Clip names and File Names
- Support for showing Clip names instead of File names as the default
- Support for replacing a media file and all its instances in the Media Pool
- Support to navigate to synced audio files from a video clip in the Media Pool
- Support for automatically creating subclips by dragging a clip from the viewer to the Media Pool
- Support for source clips with high speed capture frame rates in the Media Pool
- Support for retaining empty folders when importing folders to the Media Pool
- Support for improved LTC detection from clips with multiple audio tracks
- Support for larger clip thumbnails in the Media Pool
- Support for showing clip color indicator in the Media Pool thumbnails
- Support for improved Media Pool column listing
- Support for modifying the extents of subclips from the Media Pool and the timeline
- Support for displaying iXML channel names in clip attributes
- Support for viewing waveforms for audio clips in thumbnail mode in the Media Pool and Media Storage
- Support for live preview of audio clips in the Media Pool and Media Storage
- Support for multiple bin views in collaborative projects
- Support for smaller Media Pool floating windows
- Support for native IMF decoding in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for native Kakadu based JPEG2000 decoding
- Support for decoding unencrypted DCP packages using the Kakadu codec
- Support for ARRI LF camera files
- Support for decoding H.264 clips in the MXF or MTS format
- Support for Canon Log3 in Resolve Color Management
- Support for alpha channel with DNxHR 422 codecs
- Support for decoding 8-bit Phantom Cine clips
- Support for reading color space and gamma information from QuickTime and MXF clips
- Support for alpha channel when decoding from Cineform RGB
- Support for storing the alpha channel when caching to Uncompressed 10-bit float formats
- Support for storing the alpha channel when caching to Uncompressed 16-bit float - HDR
- Support for automatically setting alpha mode based on metadata when importing still images
- Support for decoding FLAC audio files
- Support for HEIF decode on Mac and DaVinci Resolve Studio on Windows and Linux
- Support for decoding TGA images
- Support for decoding DPX RGBA 10bit image sequences
- Support for reading orientation from JPEG and QuickTime files
- Support for decoding GrassValley HQ and HQX codecs in the AVI format
- Support for colorspace, gamma and LUT options for clips from DJI X7 camera
- Support for hardware accelerated decode of Long GOP Panasonic AVC clips on NVIDIA hardware
- Support for Canon C200 IDTs in ACES
- Support for displaying REDCODE metadata for R3D clips
- Support for XAVC-Intra OP1A HDR metadata
- Improved Resolve Color Management support for Sony clips where input color space and gamma are set automatically using metadata
- Improved support for audio waveform sync in multicam clips
- Improved support for decoding MXF XDCAM clips
- Improved reading of Quicktime file metadata
- Updated smart render cache settings to no longer cache H.264 clips automatically
- Support for new SuperScale option for high quality resolution upscaling
- Support for multiple timeline playheads with DaVinci Resolve Advanced panel control
- Support for a new LUT browser in the Color page
- Support for live preview of LUTs and gallery stills
- Support for browsing grades from other timelines in the gallery
- Support for browsing grades from other projects in the expanded gallery view
- Support for batch color version management
- Support for simultaneous HDR and SDR monitoring on supported Blackmagic Design playback devices
- Support for switching between previous and next version for multiple clips
- Support for modifying the qualifier by dragging the controls in the user interface
- Support for denoise in the qualifiers matte finesse controls
- Support for alpha matte shrink and grow in the qualifiers matte finesse controls
- Support for ganging the timeline wipe with the current clip
- Support for option to disable thumbnails in the node graph
- Support for improved Color page node graph user interface
- Support for improved user interactions for selecting nodes and modifying node connections
- Support for enabling and disabling multiple selected nodes in the Color page
- Support for a node context menu option to lock the node
- Support for shared nodes for powerful group management
- Support for Camera RAW controls for Canon RAW clips
- Support for Camera RAW controls for Panasonic RAW clips
- Support for setting Tint globally for all clips in the Camera RAW project settings
- Support for the Media Pool in Color page
- Support for GPU accelerated Dolby VisionTM HDR to SDR metadata generation in DaVinci Resolve Studio - BETA
- Support for license activated GPU accelerated Dolby VisionTM internal CMU in DaVinci Resolve Studio - BETA
- Support for Alt/Option + middle click to copy Dolby VisionTM trim metadata for the current target display
- Support for Alt/Option + Shift + middle click to copy Dolby VisionTM trim metadata for all target displays
- Support for an option to bypass all the trims in Dolby VisionTM
- Support for native HDR10+ controls in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for a clip thumbnail indicator to show clips analyzed for Dolby VisionTM and HDR10+ on the Color page
- Support for enabling or disabling tone mapping for Dolby VisionTM and HDR10+ projects
- New ResolveFX Plugins
- ResolveFX Aperture Diffraction in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- ResolveFX Automatic Dirt Removal in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- ResolveFX Deflicker in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- ResolveFX Dust Buster in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- ResolveFX Film Damage
- ResolveFX Flicker Addition
- ResolveFX Lens Reflections in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- ResolveFX Patch Replacer in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for DaVinci CTLs user parameters accessible via ResolveFX DCTL in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for using DaVinci CTLs as input and output LUTs in project settings
- Support for controlling DCTL execution based on DaVinci Resolve version
- Support for the 3D Lookup table interpolation option for DCTLs
- Support for a clipping option when converting from a larger gamut and/or gamma in ResolveFX Color Space Transform
- Support for ResolveFX Match Move is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for random frame access when using temporal OpenFX plugins is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for on-screen controls and overlays for various ResolveFX plugins
- Support for stereoscopic convergence on Power Windows
- Support for improved mouse interactivity when selecting or modifying control points on a power window
- Support for showing marker overlays in the Color page viewer
- Support for a dynamic keyframe indicator for nodes in the node graph
- Support for tooltip for Edit page FX icons to display the list of plugins applied
- Support for compound node path bar in the display node graph window
- Support for applying LUTs on compound nodes
- Support for copying nodes and pasting specific values by selecting parameters and using Paste Value
- Support for previewing LUTs by holding Alt/Option pressed while mousing over the LUT context menu
- Support for previewing composite modes in the layer mixer context menu
- Support for listing and navigating to timeline markers from the Color page viewer option menu
- Support for processing a node in a different Resolve Color Managed colorspace or gamma
- Support for selected LUTs in split-screen mode
- Support for previewing the selected album in split-screen mode
- Support for drawing a selection box to select multiple points in ResolveFX Warper
- Support for improved and smoother masks in ResolveFX Face Refinement
- Support for a new enhanced mode for improved noise reduction
- Support for changing the sensitivity of the jog wheel and shuttle control in the DaVinci Resolve Advanced panel
- Support for smart filter options for shared nodes
- Support for smart filter options for clips with Fusion effects
- Support for showing clip color indicator in timeline thumbnails
- Support for assigning colors to nodes
- Support for clip level output blanking overrides
- Support for tool usage badges
- Support for listing the entire gallery still path in the Still Properties window
- Support for RED SDK based Gamut Mapping for Red IPP2 based workflows
- Support for option to process node LUTs in ACEScc AP1 timeline color space or ACES AP0 color space
- Improved cropping quality and behavior when using the advanced video stabilization
- Improved ResolveFX Lens Blur with support for custom aperture shapes
- Improved onscreen controls for ResolveFX Match Move and ResolveFX Dead Pixel Fixer
- Improved viewer mouse interaction and behavior when working on a node with multiple power windows
- Improved DCTLs with ability to include code from headers and use LUTs in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Check Developer Documentation in the Help menu for more details
- Improved generators, transitions and titles with support for Resolve Color Management and ACES
- Support for embedding a subtitle track when encoding QuickTime files
- Support for embedding CEA-608 closed captions when encoding QuickTime files
- Support for embedding CEA-608 closed captions when encoding MXF OP1A files
- Support for embedding CEA-708 closed captions when encoding MXF OP1A clips
- Support for native IMF encoding in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for native Kakadu based JPEG2000 decoding and encoding
- Support for native Kakadu based lossless JPEG 2000 encoding in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for encoding unencrypted DCP packages using the Kakadu codec
- Support for improved codec and format listing in the Deliver page
- Support for modifying the filename field in the Deliver page
- Support for writing color range, color space and other image metadata when encoding to Quicktime DNxHR
- Support for encoding EXR clips with alpha channels
- Support for encoding an alpha channel when rendering TIFF sequences
- Support for alpha channel when encoding to Cineform RGB
- Support for encoding GrassValley HQ and HQX codecs in the AVI format
- Support for replacing existing frame based files in-place during renders
- Support for using the clip name as a data burn-in and Deliver page tag
- Support for option to retain sub-black and super-white data for renders
- Support for rendering with Dolby VisionTM/HDR10+ tone mapping applied
- Improved support for encoding HDR and mastering metadata for MXF and IMF formats in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for Portuguese in the DaVinci Resolve user interface
- Support for French in the DaVinci Resolve user interface
- Support for single seat Fusion Studio dongles
- Support for external scripting of DaVinci Resolve Studio from local and network locations
- Check Developer Documentation in the Help menu for more details
- Support for a console dialog with scripting support available in the Workspace menu
- Support for Fairlight Audio Accelerator drivers in the DaVinci Resolve installer on Windows
- Support for a new system preference to control Audio I/O Processing block size
- Support for launching DaVinci Resolve and loading the project when opening a DRP file in the file browser
- Support for a new application level system memory limit in Preferences
- Support for a system preference to enable or disable hardware acceleration of H.264/HEVC and other supported codecs
- Support for system preference to enable or disable Direct IO for media storage locations on Windows
- Support for Metal when using RED GPU debayer on Mac
- Support for system preference to enable or disable RED GPU Debayer
- Support for a floating timecode window
- Support for ability to bypass Fusion effects and/or Color changes on the viewers in the Edit, Fairlight and Color pages
- Support for changing clip color from the application menu on the Media, Edit and Color pages
- Support for saving the audio volume, dim and mute across application restarts
- Support for a title bar for a floating Media Pool bin
- Support for keyframing OpenFX dropdown and checkbox based parameters
- Support for listing backups for a specific project from the project manager context menu
- Support for backing up and versioning projects when using Live Save
- Support for switching the top bar and page switcher bar to an icons only mode
- Support for importing audio clip levels from AAF imports
- Support for importing audio-only AAF timelines
- Support for synced audio file name and sync offset in ALE exports
- Support for sending problem reports to Blackmagic Design
- GPU processing now defaults to Metal for modern Mac hardware running macOS 10.13 or newer
- Improved application menu layouts
- Improved and clearer contextual menu layouts
- General performance and stability improvements